
The Office of the President issues proclamations to raise awareness of items of interest to the Wayne State University community. You can view current and past proclamations below.

Wayne State faculty, staff and students are invited to recommend proclamations for consideration. Please submit your request at least four weeks in advance of the beginning of the proclamation period to allow time for thorough review.

  • April - Arab American Heritage and Chaldean-American Month

    WHEREAS the United States Congress has designated the month of April as Arab American Heritage Month, and Wayne State University joins in this tribute and celebration by acknowledging the many accomplishments and contributions that Arab Americans have made in our society; and

    WHEREAS a congressional resolution proclaiming Arab American Heritage Month was introduced to the United States House of Representatives on April 30, 2019; and a proclamation declaring the month of April as Arab American Heritage Month was published by the United States Department of State on April 1, 2021; and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued a proclamation declaring April as Arab American Heritage and Chaldean-American Month in Michigan on April 1, 2023; and

    WHEREAS the objectives of Arab American Heritage and Chaldean-American Month are to create a greater awareness of the contributions of Arab Americans to American culture, to illustrate the diversity of the Arab American community, and to encourage a greater curiosity within young people about the rich history and cultural heritage of Arab Americans; and

    WHEREAS Arab influence is evident in American culture in, among other things, music, art, science, food, humanities, and business and trade; and

    WHEREAS at Wayne State University, Arab Americans have graced our campus community with invaluable leadership and intellectual achievements. They are members of our faculty, our staff and our student body. In recognition of the numerous achievements and contributions made by Arab Americans, we reaffirm our commitment to encourage and support them through equal educational and employment opportunities.

    NOW, THEREFORE I, Kimberly Andrews Espy, Ph.D., President of Wayne State University, hereby proclaim the month of April as Arab American Heritage and Chaldean-American Month at Wayne State University, and I encourage the entire campus to join proudly in this celebration.

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  • May - Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

    WHEREAS the United States Congress has designated the month of May as Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and Wayne State University joins in this tribute and celebration by acknowledging the many accomplishments and contributions that Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have made in our society; and

    WHEREAS a resolution was passed by the United States Congress proclaiming Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Oct. 23, 1992, and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued a proclamation declaring May as Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in Michigan May 1, 2023; and

    WHEREAS the objectives of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month are to create a greater awareness of the contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to American culture, to illustrate the diversity of the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, and to encourage a greater curiosity within young people about the rich history and cultural heritage of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders; and

    WHEREAS Asian and Pacific Islander influence is evident in American culture in, among other things, music, art, science, food, humanities, and business and trade; and

    WHEREAS Wayne State University is proud to be an Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Minority-Serving Institution. Faculty, staff and students within the Asian American and Pacific Islander community have graced our campus with invaluable and intellectual achievements. In recognition of the numerous contributions made by Asian American and Pacific Islanders, we reaffirm our commitment to encourage and support them through equal educational and employment opportunities.

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, Kimberly Andrews Espy, Ph.D., president of Wayne State University, hereby proclaim the month of May as Asian American and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month at Wayne State University, and I encourage the entire campus to join proudly in this celebration.

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  • May - Jewish American Heritage Month

    WHEREAS the United States Congress has designated the month of May as Jewish American Heritage Month, and Wayne State University joins in this tribute and celebration by acknowledging the many accomplishments and contributions that Jewish Americans have made in our society; and

    WHEREAS a congressional resolution proclaiming Jewish American Heritage Month was passed by the United States House of Representatives in December 2005 and the United States Senate in February 2006, and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued a proclamation declaring May as Jewish American Heritage Month in Michigan May 1, 2023; and

    WHEREAS the objectives of Jewish American Heritage Month are to create a greater awareness of the contributions of Jewish Americans to American culture, to illustrate the diversity of the Jewish American community, and to encourage a greater curiosity within young people about the rich history and cultural heritage of Jewish Americans; and

    WHEREAS Jewish influence is evident in American culture in, among other things, music, art, science, food, humanities, and business and trade; and

    WHEREAS at Wayne State University, Jewish Americans have graced our campus community with invaluable leadership and intellectual achievements. They are members of our faculty, our staff and our student body. In recognition of the numerous achievements and contributions made by Jewish Americans, we reaffirm our commitment to encourage and support them through equal educational and employment opportunities.

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, Kimberly Andrews Espy, Ph.D., president of Wayne State University, hereby proclaim the month of May as Jewish American Heritage Month at Wayne State University, and I encourage the entire campus to join proudly in this celebration.

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  • May - Military Appreciation Month

    WHEREAS the United States Congress has designated the month of May as National Military Appreciation Month, and Wayne State University joins in this tribute by acknowledging the many accomplishments and dedication that members of the military have made during their time of service; and

    WHEREAS a congressional resolution proclaiming National Military Appreciation Month was passed by the United States Congress May 30, 1999, and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued a proclamation declaring May as Military Appreciation Month in Michigan May 1, 2023; and

    WHEREAS Military Appreciation Month is intended to honor and recognize the contributions and sacrifices made by past and present military personnel in the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard and National Guard, in addition to their spouses and families; and

    WHEREAS at Wayne State University, members of the military have enhanced our campus community with invaluable leadership and intellectual achievements. They are members of our faculty, our staff and our student body. On this month, and throughout the year, we express our gratitude and commitment to service members, veterans and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our freedom. In recognition of the numerous achievements and contributions made by service members, we reaffirm our commitment to encourage and support them through equal educational and employment opportunities.

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, Kimberly Andrews Espy, Ph.D., president of Wayne State University, hereby proclaim the month of May as Military Appreciation Month at Wayne State University, and I encourage the entire campus to join proudly in this recognition.

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  • June - LGBTQIA+ Pride Month

    WHEREAS the United States Congress has designated the month of June as LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, and Wayne State University joins in this tribute and celebration by acknowledging the many accomplishments and contributions that members of the LGBTQIA+ community have made in our society; and

    WHEREAS a congressional resolution proclaiming LGBTQ Pride Month was passed by the United States Senate June 22, 2023, and the United States House of Representatives on June 30, 2023, and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued a proclamation in 2021 declaring June as Pride Month in Michigan; and

    WHEREAS the objectives of LGBTQIA+ Pride Month aim to achieve acceptance and equality of all LGBTQIA+ people while celebrating their contributions and raising awareness of issues affecting the LGBTQIA+ community; and

    WHEREAS Wayne State University offers a major and minor in gender, sexuality and women’s studies and a minor in queer studies, and, in 2023, founded the Center for Gender and Sexuality, in addition to providing ongoing support for employee and student organizations celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community; and

    WHEREAS at Wayne State University, we acknowledge the invaluable contributions and impact of members of the LGBTQIA+ community on our campus, and well beyond it. They are members of our faculty, our staff and our student body. We further understand the importance of scholarship and curriculum that is inclusive and reflective of LGBTQIA+ studies. In recognition of the numerous achievements and contributions made by those who identify as LGBTQIA+, we reaffirm our commitment to this community by extending our support to them through equal educational and employment opportunities.

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, Kimberly Andrews Espy, Ph.D., president of Wayne State University, hereby proclaim the month of June as LGBTQIA+ Pride Month at Wayne State University, and I encourage the entire campus to join proudly in this celebration.

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  • September - Hispanic Heritage Month

    WHEREAS the United States Congress has designated Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 as Hispanic Heritage Month, and Wayne State University joins in this tribute and celebration by acknowledging the many accomplishments and contributions that members of our society with Latin American and Caribbean heritage have made in this nation; and

    WHEREAS the original weeklong commemoration was changed by Public Law No. 100-402, which took effect Jan. 1, 1989, to National Hispanic Heritage Month, which is to include the 31-day period from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued a proclamation declaring the same period as Hispanic Heritage Month in Michigan Sept. 15, 2023; and

    WHEREAS the objectives of National Hispanic Heritage Month are to create a greater awareness of the contributions of Hispanic people to America's identity, illustrate the diversity of the Hispanic American community, and encourage a greater curiosity within young people about the rich history and cultural heritage of Hispanic Americans; and

    WHEREAS Hispanic influence is interwoven throughout American culture in, among other areas, entrepreneurial innovation, the humanities and sciences, and the furtherance of democratic ideals; and

    WHEREAS Wayne State University, as the home of one of the oldest academic centers in the United States that studies and celebrates this diverse and vibrant community, has committed to enhancing initiatives aimed at boosting Latino student achievements in higher education through a partnership with Excelencia in Education’s national network of Presidents for Latino Student Success to share knowledge and resources and build collaborations; and

    WHEREAS at Wayne State University, located in the heart of Detroit, a city whose Hispanic community dates back a century, Hispanic Americans have graced our campus community with invaluable leadership, cultural enrichment and intellectual achievements. They are members of our faculty, our staff and our student body. In recognition of the numerous accomplishments and contributions made by Hispanic Americans, we reaffirm our commitment to encourage and support them through equal educational and employment opportunities.

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, Kimberly Andrews Espy, Ph.D., president of Wayne State University, hereby proclaim Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 as Hispanic Heritage Month at Wayne State University, and I encourage the entire campus to join proudly in this celebration.

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