Commitment to Education on Antisemitism

In April of 2022 the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors approved the adoption of a statement on antisemitism. The full statement is below, and it is also documented within the Board of Governors' April 29, 2022 Official Proceedings

Board of Governors' Statement on Antisemitism

Throughout its history, Wayne State University has welcomed and supported a wide diversity of students, faculty and staff as members of its campus community. Since 1986, the university’s historic support of diversity has been guided by a comprehensive, non-discrimination policy (Wayne State University Code 2.28.01) that “embraces all persons regardless of race, color, sex (including gender identity), national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, height, weight, disability, or veteran status.” The support of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is not only present in this policy, but prominent in our mission, vision, cultural values and strategic focus. It is a foundational element of Wayne State University, broadly celebrated, widely championed and closely protected.

A number of Jewish students and campus organizations have expressed fear and concern regarding a rise in acts of anti-Semitism on campus and requested a clear statement from the university denouncing such acts. In response, the Wayne State University Board of Governors, consistent with the recommendation of President M. Roy Wilson, issued the following statement:

As a university, we are steadfastly committed to the principles of academic freedom, free inquiry and free expression as fundamental to the academy. In our view, these freedoms, expressed appropriately and respectfully, are harmonious with our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. A threat to the freedom and security of any group is a threat to all free peoples. Many groups throughout history, and on our campus today, have been victims of discrimination, harassment, hatred, violence and worse. We also acknowledge that from time-to-time situations arise that require reaffirmation of that commitment. Such a situation is upon us now, and together we condemn publicly all acts of anti-Semitism: a malicious form of hatred directed toward members of the Jewish community, the Jewish faith and the Jewish community as a whole, simply because they are Jewish. Anti-Semitism is a dangerous source of discrimination, harassment and violence, and its continued, stubborn and growing presence requires increased attention and vigilance. We condemn such discrimination in all its forms, no matter the source or the target.

Accordingly, we are directing that the university address anti-Semitism within the mandate of the Office of Multicultural Student Engagement (OMSE) and the Office of Equal Opportunity, by ensuring it is included in the university’s anti-bias and DEI training, education and outreach campaigns.

Commitment to Education on Antisemitism

The Office of Inclusive Excellence, the Office of Multicultural Student Engagement, and the Office of Equal Opportunity have followed through on this commitment in the following ways:


The contact information for the Office of Equal Opportunity is listed above. Reports of alleged harassment or discrimination can be also filed online.